I am so excited for you to hear from Dr. Holland, the physician I have the pleasure of working with! He is such a kind and intelligent man, who has so much passion for helping people get well. And he intentionally fosters a “family” environment at the office, both with staff and patients… which I so appreciate!
April is “National Stress Awareness Month,” so Dr. Holland and I decided it was a very appropriate time to discuss the effects of stress and some things we can all do to learn to manage it better! Because none of us are immune, it is something we all deal with.
The more I learn about limbic system retraining, the more excited and hopeful I am about it being a missing link in the journey of some (maybe many) towards optimal heath! I hope you find this information beneficial. Please feel free to share with friends and family, too!
If you click the “favorite things” button below, it will take you to a page where you can see the various things we talk about in the video and read more about them.

Although I am a nurse by trade, I am not a doctor or an expert, and the information I provide on this blog is for educational purposes only. Each person is unique and their needs and circumstances vary, so I always recommend that you consult your medical provider before making any changes.