Let me start off by saying, “Happy New Year!” I’m truly glad you are here! You are the reason I’m here, too. At the core of my being is a deep desire to help other people and impact their lives in some way. So when something makes a positive difference in my life, I can’t wait to share! I already do this with friends and family ALL THE TIME, but my hope is that this platform will give me the ability do so on a larger scale and reach people I may not have been able to otherwise! Getting to where I am now has been quite the process, and I’ve learned so much along the way. I’m inviting you into my story to tell you throughout future posts why and how I have become so passionate about pursuing overall health and helping others do the same. I hope this will be an informative, encouraging and refreshing space for you to come, time and time again!
One thing that has really made a big impact on my life the past few years is something called “functional medicine.” Have you heard of it? Functional medicine is becoming more widely known and I believe it is really going to explode onto the scene over the next few years! It is an individualized approach to healthcare that focuses on getting to the root of disease, rather than treating symptoms. Using a tree as an analogy illustrates this well! In order for a tree to be healthy and flourishing, it needs a good foundation, which is the roots and soil. The same is true for humans! So when we exhibit signs of disease or dysfunction in our bodies, we should ask, “what might be going on at the root?”

One of my go-to examples to use when explaining this approach to people is heartburn. If you go into you doctor’s office with heartburn, you will likely leave with a prescription for a heartburn medication, like Prevacid. But if you see a functional medicine professional and tell them you have heartburn, they will want to do some digging (in the soil/roots) to try and find out what is causing the heartburn, not just put a band-aid on it with medication. Sometimes medications do work to reduce symptoms, but don’t always treat the root of the problem. For example: contrary to popular belief, heartburn is often caused by not enough stomach acid, rather than too much! In which case, giving an acid blocker may lessen the symptoms, but actually worsens the problem. Heartburn can also be caused by gut infections, food intolerances and chronic stress… among other things. It is important to get to the root to understand what is causing the symptom.
One thing I really appreciate about functional medicine is that it is so personalized! We all have unique histories, genetics, needs, personalities, environments, stress levels, eating habits, etc. One size most definitely does not fit all! That is why I think individualized medicine is so important. What “health” means to me may be very different from what “health” means to you.
It is true that the functional medicine approach has helped me greatly and I’m a big fan of it, but it is also important to me that you know upfront that I am not anti-conventional medicine! I still sometimes use over-the-counter and prescription medications when appropriate. I have friends and family members who are doctors, pharmacists, dentists, nurses, etc., and I absolutely respect them! They are in those professions because they want to help people and are doing the best they can with what they know, and following their own convictions to guide how they practice. I believe there are times when medication is absolutely necessary and is even sometimes the best option, and functional medicine recognizes that. There are also cases where pharmaceutical drugs and more natural options, like herbals, work better together. One of the main differences between conventional medicine and functional medicine is that functional medicine tends to involve more investigating before deciding on the best treatment option. And often times, the treatment is more centered around lifestyle changes than around pharmaceuticals. I definitely do not want to offend anyone. Although most of the topics I post about will involve a more natural approach or alternative, it is not because I am opposed to everything about conventional medicine. It is just a different perspective!
God has really used my own journey to show me how much the various parts of each of us… (spiritual, physical, mental and emotional) were intentionally designed and created by Him & are all so connected! We as humans tend to compartmentalize most things, but I believe a lot of healing can come when we give equal care and attention to all areas of our health. That is what I am learning to do and it has been life changing.
My plan for this health blog moving forward is to include the profound, the practical and everything in between! Because that is real life and I’m here for it!

You continue to amaze me!
Thank you, Stephanie! You are so kind 🙂
This is great Chelsey. I can’t wait to see where this goes.
Thanks, Linda! I am glad you are along for this journey with me!
I can’t wait for all the wonderful content!
Thank you, Emilie! I pray it will be super helpful!
I am totally with you! Thank you for doing this, it is so needed.
YAY! Thanks for following along!
You have my attention! Can’t wait for your next blog! Thank you! ❤️
Thank you, Teresa! I’m glad to hear you are interested! Thanks for reading 🙂
Love you, sweet girl! You have a gift to write. Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned.
I got it from my Mama 🙂
This is great Chelsey!! I’m so excited to get to follow you along on this journey! God is soo good and he will do incredible things through you!
That means a lot, Katie! Thank you!
This is awesome, Chels! I’m glad you are blogging again and look forward to future blogs!
Thanks, Toni! It is good to be back 🙂 I appreciate your support!
I find this all so interesting and I’m so excited to read your blog! Great job Chelsey!
Thanks, Kristin!