Hi~ I’d like to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about what makes me “Chelsey, naturally!”
I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior! His grace has changed everything & has given me eternal hope.
I’ve been married to my husband, Corey, for 12 years. We’ve been through a lot together and I am so thankful for his love. He definitely makes life more fun!
I’m a fur mama to 3 of the sweetest pups: Sage, River and Mocha (who we lost in 2020).
I’m a Nebraska native & Arkansas resident. Go Hogs and Huskers!
I have been a nurse for 15 years and have worked in several areas, including: medical-surgical, labor & delivery, pediatrics and functional medicine.
I’ve been enduring the trial of infertility for over 11 years now and have two precious babies in heaven that I haven’t met, but deeply love!
I am a photographer. Taking pictures has been a hobby and side gig of mine for a long time.
I’m a recovering perfectionist.
I absolutely love the outdoors. Hiking is one of my favorite things to do!
I’m a certified nurse coach who is passionate about pursuing overall health and walking alongside others as they do the same!
I’m the leader of a college women’s small group through my church, which I love so much!
I love to travel, but hate packing.
I’m a natural born helper. It is hard for me to see a need and not jump to try and fill it, sometimes to a fault.
I wear my hair in a ponytail 87% of the time.
I can be pretty bold, but do my best to speak the truth in love.
I’m a foodie, I think? I eat for pleasure and love variety and trying new things!
I’m extremely thorough and detail oriented.
I absolutely love music! It is one of the most obvious ways God speaks to me personally.
I’m not the best time manager and tend to procrastinate.
I think community is very important and I enjoy gathering and connecting people.
I am a very curious person, always learning and teaching. Two common phrases out of my mouth are “why” and “did you know…?”
My greatest desire is to glorify God and make a difference for His kingdom by allowing His Spirit to flow through me and bless others! That is my prayer for this blog.
“I want to leave a legacy, how will they remember me? Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough to make a mark on things? I want to leave an offering. A child of mercy and grace who blessed Your Name unapologetically. Leave that kind of legacy.”
Lyrics from the song “Legacy” by Nichole Nordeman